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How Often Do I Need to Groom My Dog?

How often need to groom dog

To create an appropriate grooming schedule for your dog can be a challenge. Some inattentive dog owners allow months to pass between grooming sessions. Other, more obsessive owners groom their dogs every couple of days. Neither is suitable for a dog’s coat. So just how often should you be grooming your dog? There is no universal answer. Several factors determine your dog’s ideal grooming schedule. Among the most important of these factors are your dog’s breed and coat. In this article, we’re going to look at different types of fur and the optimum grooming schedule for each.

Short Coats

Many dog owners prefer short-coat breeds because they don’t require as much attention as their long-coat counterparts. It is particularly useful in a busy country like the UAE, where professionals are expected to spend long hours at the office. You can maintain your dog’s short coat by bathing them once every 1-3 months. You can brush your dog more frequently if you wish but be sure to stop and book an appointment with a groomer if you notice excessive shedding.

Long Coats

So, if a short coat is easy to maintain, a long coat must be a nightmare, right? Not really. While it can be a bit of a challenge to keep a long coat in pristine condition, it is not impossible. By grooming your long-coat dog once every 4-6 weeks, you can ensure that their coat remains free of knots and clumps.

Double Coats

Double coats are known to occur in both short and long-hair dogs. In both cases, shedding occurs seasonally. This shedding schedule is advantageous in that it means you won’t have to bathe your dog as often as you would a single-coat breed. Both short and long-hair dogs need to be groomed only up to four times a year.

Oily Coats

Maintaining an oily coat can be a real pain in the neck. Without proper care, a greasy coat can deteriorate fast, resulting in an unpleasant odor, along with a plethora of other problems. Among the most popular oily-coat breeds are Labrador retrievers, Basset hounds, and Newfoundland dogs. These dogs and others like them should be bathed once a week.

Thick Undercoats

Many dog breeds have a thick undercoat, which protects them from both the winter cold and the summer heat. An undercoat can be maintained through a grooming session once every three months. Keep in mind that a thick undercoat should never be shaved. Doing so will leave your dog susceptible to the elements, especially in a country as hot as the UAE.

Silky Coats

Silky coats are a challenge because they don’t stop growing. If left long enough, a silky coat can grow to engulf a dog’s eyes, nose, and mouth. Acute matting is also to be expected. Obviously, none of this is ideal, which is why you should be sure to trim a silky coat at least once every four to six weeks.

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